Monday, August 11, 2008

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves......

From The "M-Den", the University of Michigan's official merchandise store online....on the page entitled "Championship Merchandise", it reads "Sorry, No Products to Show For This Department". (click the picture for a larger version)

Go ahead, try and write a funnier joke than that.

terrorist fist jab - "The Only Game That Matters"

And if you think I'm posting this just once and moving on, you don't know me very well, do you?


Anonymous said...

That is indeed very funny! And its gonna be loooong time before there's anything for sale for the bad boyz.....

Anonymous said...

Wow. This should be on the news.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! That's hilarious! That'd be even better if it was actually on the site. Lamer.

Jeff Seemann said...

J, it WAS on the site. What you're looking at here is a screen shot.

They took it down after a bunch of Buckeye blogs exposed their retardedness.